If you are a smoker/vaper who wants to quit, then you can kick the habit with just ONE SESSION of Hypnotherapy.
Neil utilizes a unique mix of Psychological, NLP and Hypnosis techniques to ensure his clients stop smoking and NEVER restart.
In just 20 days of non-smoking you will have paid for your treatment, and from then on its cash in your pocket!
The cost for Neil’s Smoking Cessation is just £150. So don’t say you can not afford it. Your life is worth more than £150!
Are patches, Gums and medications anygood?
There are many other ways to stop smoking in Selby which includes patches, gums, inhalers or even the medication called Zyban. However these are designed to be a Nicotine replacement that can only help to change the chemical withdrawal but not the more powerful phycological addictive habits that come with stopping smoking. The success rates for using these methods are very low and it makes people wonder if they are worth bothering with.
Using a variety of techniques, including hypnosis, you will find that stopping smoking/vaping becomes a whole lot easier. Neil will empower you on a deep subconscoius level so that it feels more automatic and natural.
The reason why people find it hard to stop smoking/vaping is because they consciously want to quit, but their subconscious wants to keep smoking/vaping. This creates an inner battle, and thus it becomes difficult to let go of that habit. Neil uses powerful techniques to convince your subconscious part of your mind to want to stop smoking or vaping. This is why many of Neil's clients report it feeling very easy to stop smoking/vaping.
Stop Smoking/Vaping Hypnotherapy is rapidly becoming the method of choice for people who want to successfully stop smoking/vaping for good. The success rates for Smoking/Vaping Cessation Hypnotherapy are very high which are currently making it the method of choice to stop smoking/vaping in Selby.
If you are ready to take the first steps in a healthier body and mind, then book a Smoking/Vaping Cessation treatment with Neil now.
Neil does NOT provide a consultation for stoping smoking. Once you have made the desicion to quit, it is important to book with Neil for the actual treatment as soon as possible to increase the chances of success.
Please allow 2 hours for your appointment.
Please DO-NOT attempt to cut down or quit smoking yourself before your session.
Please bring with you any of your last remaining Cigarettes.
Please ensure it is genuinlly YOU that wants to stop smoking. It is unlikly to work if you are wanting to stop for someone else!
HYPNOTHERAPY FOR STOPPING SMOKING REVIEW “I am in my thirties, smoking about 15 cigarettes a day and decided I wanted to quit. I went to see Neil at his Selby clinic after my friend visited him and quit straight away. I had seen another leading hypnotherapist last year but to my disappointment I continued to smoke a few days later. I was so impressed by what my friend had to say that I decided to give him a call anyway. I met Neil who is a lovely positive person. He was very professional and was confidently able to answer any questions and concerns I had beforehand. It has been just over 3 months now and I have not smoked, not one single fag!. The most remarkable part is that I don't even think about cigarettes, it's like I've never smoked. I would recommend this to anyone who is serious about wanting to quit and just need a helping hand. Thank you Neil and keep up the fabulous work!”
Yasmin Khan
HYPNOTHERAPY FOR STOPPING SMOKING REVIEW “On the 14th Feb last year I visited Neil to get help stopping smoking which is something I thought I could never do! Here I am today not had a single one and have no urge to ever start again, I feel great! Thank you Neil Woods, you are a star! Elisa”
Elisa Solamone
HYPNOTHERAPY FOR STOPPING SMOKING REVIEW “For anyone visiting this page or thinking about using Neil's support I would highly recommend it. I had a 'Stop smoking' session in July last year and I'm still smoke free!! I have tried patches in the past and cold turkey/will power and not been successfully. This time it was different, I was unsure of what to expect and quite worried about not wanting another cigarette. However, it couldn't of been more relaxing and for those wary of being 'hypnotised' I can honestly say I can recall every second of the session. I can't put my finger on why it was successful but the session of listening and talking about smoking and the benefits of stopping seamed to build up my will power and determination. Don't get me wrong, the next few days and weeks were still not easy but loads easier than the methods I had tried in the past. My advice to anyone smoking and wanting to pack it in, get in touch with Neil and talk it through, even my first conversation over the phone gave me more determination than I have ever had before!”
Andrew Newlove
HYPNOTHERAPY FOR STOPPING SMOKING REVIEW “i went to neil last october to get help to stop smoking id been a very heavy smoker most of my life (in my fiftys now) im so glad i did ive not smoked since (one session) and saving loads of money and feel much better in myself and dont smell like an ashtray lol anyone out there wanting to stop should deffo get in touch with neil via his website as i did and i would like to say a big thankyou to this young man who helped me cheers neil"