Anxiety is a form of stress that many people experience in many different ways, and the majority of people only experience a mild form of Anxiety when facing everyday stressful situations. However there sometimes comes a point when the symptoms can become so severe that help with Anxiety is needed. Anxiety occurs when a person feels a type of fear or dread of something, a person, place or event. These feelings are based normally on previous experiences that may not have been very positive.
When a person suffers from an Anxiety disorder it may then lead to avoidance because of an initial fear that the Anxiety may be triggered. This then can effect confidence and lead to relationship and/or career problems on a longer term basis. |
What is a Panic AttackWhen anxiety builds up it can sometimes reach a peak and this is known as a Panic Attack. Panic Attacks can sometimes happen suddenly without warning, or a Panic Attack can come on gradualy when feelings of Anxiety can reach its peak. Anybody who has had a Panic Attack will know that it can be very sudden and feel out of control. A very large amount of people in the UK have suffered from a least one Panic Attacks at some point in their lives. Panic Attacks occur because of the human instinctive fight or flight response to instant fear. Panic Attacks were once used by our distant ancestors when faced with dangerous situations.
Types of AnxietyIt is impossible to describe all the different types of Anxiety, because every person is unique and so their experiences are unique. However the most common types of Anxiety are spontaneous or triggered. Spontaneous Anxiety can happen anywhere at anytime. Triggered Anxiety is what it says "triggered" by someone, something, some place, some kind of thought, sound, image.
Common types of Anxiety include:
Anxiety Symptoms
If you are ready to take the first steps in a renewed body and mind, and to release yourself from Anxiety and/or Panic attacks, then book your FREE Consultation with Neil now.
HOW MANY SESSIONS Usually only 2 or 3 Hypnotherapy sessions are required to Anxiety and Panic attacks but more sessions are always available if a person feels they may benefit further from the sessions. |
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