What is an AllergyAn Allergy is when the body irrationally reacts to such things as pollen, animal fur, and certain foods. The body sees these substances as a threat, and uses a defensive mechanism called an auto-immune response to restrict foreign elements from entering the body. The body responds by releasing a chemical called Histamine to swell up areas like eyes, nose and throat by increasing the flow of blood to the affected areas. But other areas can also be affected depending on the type of allergy.
Allergies that can be treated with Hypnotherapy*:
*Not all Allergies can be treated.
There are many misconceptions regarding Allergies. One being that an allergy is uncontrollable without medication. Another being that we have no or little control over allergies. But the big misconception is that substances such as pollen cause the unwelcome symptoms, such as irritation and sneezing. What actually causes this is the body releasing a chemical called Histamine.
By using powerful hypnosis techniques, the mechanisms in the mind and body that release Histamines that cause the irritations, can be lowered or even stopped. YES! You can be free from Hayfever and other Allergies with Hypnosis! Neil has pioneered these mind boggling techniques and currently has a very high success rate treating Hayfever and other Allergies. Not all allergies can be treated. |
If you are ready to take the first steps to release yourself from an unwanted Allergy, then book your FREE Consultation with Neil now.
HOW MANY SESSIONS Usually only 2 or 3 Hypnotherapy sessions are required for Allergies, but more sessions are always available if a person feels they may benefit further from the sessions. |
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